Wörwag Pharma

Getting closer, helping better: Digital refresh for the corporate website

Eine lächelnde Frau fährt mit dem Rad durch einen Park

From city pharmacy to international pharma company

Wörwag Pharma has been developing and producing pharmaceuticals for over 50 years. From its base in Böblingen, Swabia, it now operates in over 35 countries. The previous online presence could no longer keep up with this success story. Time for a relaunch treatment!

Website & Engagement
Strategie & Konzept, Experience Design, Website Entwicklung, CMS-Implementierung, Content Management, Requirements Engineering, DXPs & Corporate Website, Projektmanagement
Handle with care

In a series of workshops at the start of the project, we identified the core needs of three very different target groups for the website: Patients, medical professionals, and employees all expect tailored communication and benefit messaging. In the highly regulated healthcare sector, however, digital information sharing is subject to strict limitations.

Operation successful

With our extensive experience in the pharmaceutical sector and through close coordination with the client's project leaders during implementation, we were able to overcome the challenge. For the benefit of all target groups: Patients now receive valuable information about the manufacturer and products in an easy-to-digest manner and through the shortest possible path. Medical professionals can access the new secure area with training offers, studies, and specialist information via familiar channels (DocCheck in the German website version).

Mobile Ansicht einer Produktseite

Current and potential new employees can discover what makes Wörwag Pharma a unique employer in the careers section.

Ansicht der Karriere-Website von Wörwag

Our friendly design language guides users from all target groups, ensures a pleasant experience, and simplifies the understanding of relevant information.

Bildwelt der Wörwag WebsiteFarbpalette der Wörwag Website

Building on the successful relaunch of the German corporate website and the global company site, we are now rolling out the new website framework to 21 more countries. With TYPO3 as the content management system, country managers will be able to independently and conveniently manage their own content in the future, where previously agencies or freelancers had to be hired to work with various CMS platforms.